转发国际学术报告通知:Plant interactions with pathogenic and commensal bacteria
Molecular Plant和Plant Communications“MPlant Virtual Seminar”系列讲座将于北京时间2022年4月8日(周五)下午3点邀请华中农业大学的Kenichi Tsuda (津田贤一) 博士进行在线讲解和交流,讲座题目为Plant interactions with pathogenic and commensal bacteria。
●讲座时间 2022年4月8日(Apr 8, 2022) ,15:00-16:00 (北京时间) ●参加方式 Zoom会议在线讲座,免费参加。
会议ID:876 456 1150
Plant interactions with pathogenic and commensal bacteria
●主讲人 Dr. Kenichi Tsuda (津田贤一) Ken comes from Sapporo, Japan. He got a PhD at the Hokkaido University in Japan (2004) and did a postdoc at University of Minnesota in the US. He was a Research Group Leader at Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research (MPIPZ) until August 2019. He has been a Professor at HZAU and a guest Research Group Leader at MPIPZ from September 2019. He is interested in network properties, structures, and dynamics in plant-microbe interactions, especially finding new concepts in biology.